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Kidney Failure Treatment


: Admin : 2021-10-11

Kidney deaths have increased significantly in the last few years. But still many people do not understand the symptoms of problems related to Kidney and are late in going to the doctor. Until then the problem of kidney increases. 

Kidney works cleanliness in our body. This is a very important part of the system that is out of our body's dirt. Sometimes kidneys do not do their work smoothly and that leads to kidney failure. One must go for a kidney failure treatment when this situation occurs. 


What is kidney failure?

Kidney Failure is the situation where kidneys are unable to remove toxic substances effectively from blood. 


Kidney failure treatment

There are various Kidney failure treatments. The type of treatment you require will be determined by the cause of your kidney failure. 

There are four options for treatment that patients can choose:


It is a treatment method that uses a machine to carry out the blood through the body through a filter, which gives more quantity of toxic waste and liquid. This method helps to check the level of blood pressure and balances the number of essential minerals in the blood such as calcium, potassium, sodium and bicarbonate.

peritoneal dialysis

This method uses belly lining to filter blood in the body and to eliminate the garbage in the process. Like hemodialysis, the purpose of this method is to filter toxic waste and additional fluid from the body with the help of the abdominal peritoneal lining. This method inserts a tube in the stomach a few weeks before the beginning of surgeon treatment. The catheter or tube permanently lives in the stomach.

Kidney transplant (kidney transplant):

This is such a surgery that is kept a healthy kidney in place of a damaged kidney. This new kidney is either taken from a dead person or a living person. 

Conservative Management Method:

The fourth and the last way emphasizes the use of medicines rather than dialysis or transplantation so that the causes of Kidney Failure can be treated for the condition of anaemia.



kidney kidneytransplant kidneyfailure toxicsubstances blood

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