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Never Ignore These Seven Signs Of Cervical Cancer- Part 2


: Admin : 2022-12-27

4) Pain in the Pelvic Region

Pelvic problems caused by cervical cancer

and other sexually transmitted diseases are common problems among women. About 50% of women with cervical cancer have painful intercourse. This is due to the increased sensitivity of the vagina to vaginal fluid.


5) Leg Swelling 

The developed tumor would put pressure on the pelvic floor and disrupt the nervous system in this area, which could lead to swelling of the legs.


6) Persistent bloating in the abdomen 

Abdominal bloating in women is an early sign of cervical cancer or pelvic inflammatory disease. It can be treated with antibiotics and surgery, but the risk of developing the disease is high. Women who are infected during pregnancy are at higher risk.


7) Pain during Intercourse

Pain during intercourse due to cervical cancer is a common problem among women. It is caused by the abnormal growth of the lining of the uterus and also by the fact that there is no known cure for this disease.


These are some early signs that one might notice in their ordinary life course. Other significant symptoms are different from these and are dangerous and incurable.


Treatment Methods

Cervical cancer treatment options include chemotherapyradiation therapy, and surgery.


Chemotherapy is a form of radiation that destroys and kills tumors, while radiation therapy uses high-energy X-rays to eradicate cervical cancer cells. These treatments can cause serious side effects later on. If you want to avoid the pain and stress during surgery, you must detect the symptoms of cancer at an early stage and take the necessary precautions.



You do not need to develop other symptoms if you recognize the early signs, as they are more painful and distressing. If any of the females experience these ear symptoms, they should go to the doctor immediately and check themselves to ensure they have a good prescription drug to prevent the tumor from spreading. It is my sincere request to all women not to ignore these signs.

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On our website, you can find the best package price for Cervical Cancer. You can also book an online appointment through our website. 
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