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Various Conditions That Affects The Tonsil - Part 2


: Admin : 2022-12-29

Tests That Can Show You If You Have A Tonsil Disease Or Not


The following tests are used to diagnose diseases affecting the tonsils:


1) Throat Swab: This test is done by taking a cotton swab and rubbing the throat and tonsils to collect a sample. It is then sent to laboratories. This test is used to identify bacteria such as streptococcus.


2) Monospot Test: A blood test used to detect specific antibodies that aid in the diagnosis of mononucleosis.


3) Epstein- Barr Virus Antibodies: If the monospot test is negative, looking for antibodies to fight them will confirm the diagnosis.



Treatment Of Conditions Related To The Tonsils

The following treatments to treat various tonsil conditions:


1) Antibiotics: Antibiotics treat diseases caused by bacterial infection, particularly streptococcal infection.


2) Tonsillectomy: This is the process of removing the tonsil. It is performed when illnesses are frequent and do not respond to other possible treatments or when there are enlarged tonsils that interfere with breathing.


3) Abscess Drainage: Abscess drainage removes pus as well as other fluid collections from abscesses. The abscess is pierced with a needle and left to drain and heal during this procedure.


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On our website, you can find the best package price for Tonsils Surgery. You can also book an online appointment through our website. 
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