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Ayurvedic Treatment For Pcos / Pcod


: Admin : 2023-09-09

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, also known as PCOS or PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease), is a very common hormonal disorder in women.

Ayurveda classifies PCOS as a Kapha disorder.Vata is responsible for movement of the follicle during the ovarian cycle, the rupture of the ovary wall releasing the matured ovum, the movement of the fimbriae – the finger like projections that guide the ovum into the fallopian tubes and the movement of the ovum towards the uterus.The action of the hormones expresses the nature of pitta, the energy responsible for transformation.Kapha’s heavy cool qualities nourish the development of the tissues that form and support the reproductive system including the nurturing energy supporting growth of the follicle during the ovarian cycle.PCOS is due to kapha blocking vata and pitta, hence movement is obstructed and the transformation process is suppressed.

Artava dhatu affected by the heavy sticky qualities of kapha and ama creates srota dushti in artavavaha srota. Apana vayu in artavavaha srota becomes stagnant – sanga, due to excessive kapha and ama accumulation blocking the channel impeding the flow of vata in the ovarian cycle. Because vata is blocked, pitta is blocked as well as pitta in order to act as the intelligence behind transformation needs the movement of vata in order for its energy to have potential. As pitta is blocked the hormones that carry the energy of transformation are unable to initiate their action. The accumulated kapha is expressed in the formation of the cyst in the ovary as it takes on a heavy white sticky quality expressing kapha and ama.

Due to vata and pitta being blocked in artava dhatu the other functions of both these doshas begin to become aggravated. Pitta aggravation at the level of bhrajaka pitta and ranjaka pitta manifests as acne and increased body hair. Menstrual problems manifest due to the aggravation of all three doshas but namely apana vayu.

“Without the aggravation of Vata, the vagina does not get disordered in women, hence it should be treated before Pitta and Kapha” – Astanga Hrdayam

Pcos/Pcod Infertility

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