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Causes , Symptoms And Treatment Of Bipolar Disorder


: Admin : 2022-01-22

What are neuropsychiatric disorders?

Human being competes with everyday challenges in an integrated manner when every organ system functions unanimously for normal physiological functions of the body.  Human is the only intelligent living being on earth with a well developed nervous system among numerous species found on earth. With the evolution of living organisms, only human beings grew with a highly matured nervous system that gave them the capacity to think, rationalize, make intelligent decisions and conquer every odds through reasoning, understanding and evaluating situations through cognitive skills. A healthy nervous system formed of the central nervous system brain and spinal cord, responds to every external stimulus by a network of nerve cells and fibres that spread all across the body. The nervous system coordinates with every system to work spontaneously and instinctively to respond to various functions of the body. It reacts to environmental changes, physiological processes within the body and every stimulus that may affect or impact the human body. Different sensations, perceptions, conscious reciprocation and reflex action through salient behaviour, thought and judgmental decisions are possible only due to a healthy nervous system. Thus, it is a major controlling, regulating and communicating system of the body that maintains homeostasis. It is the command system of the human body.

The central nervous system originates in the brain, forms a networking system of nerves through the spinal cord that reaches every organ system of the body responsible for every voluntary and involuntary action.

The nervous system is formed of nerve cells or neurons that send electrical signals that travel between the brain, skin, organs, glands and muscles. These messages help a LA wants the policy to be cancelled during movements of limbs, feel sensations, control breathing, digestion, metabolism, excretion and reproduction.

Any damage to neurons, that are the structural and functional unit of the nervous system, from accidents, diseases, toxins, degenerative disorders from ageing can cause irreversible damage to the nervous system. Brain performance abnormal functions when is affected by the above pathological conditions.

 Neuropsychiatric disorders are a combination of neurological dysfunction and psychiatric disorders that disturb mental health. The brain and mind are damaged to an extreme diseased state where normal cognitive functions cannot be performed.

The common neuropsychiatric conditions are—addictions, eating disorders, degenerative disorders, neurotic disorders, psychosis and mood swings –such as BIPOLAR DISORDER.

Addiction is a condition in which a patient is under severe depression, anxiety and emotional trauma that forces him to take intoxicating substances. The brain gets activated by certain neurotransmitters like dopamine which compels a patient to drink alcohol, inhalants, opioids, cocaine, nicotine, forcing him to do gambling and antisocial activities.

Mental diseases like depression, anxiety, phobias are common in patients who suffer from pathological states like dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. They mainly cause behavioural changes, affects patients thinking skills and perception. It is a psychiatric disorder where normal functions of the brain are harmed to more irrational, unjustifiable and insane behaviour.

Mood disorders affect the emotions of the patient. The mood swings are not consistent with different circumstances and situations. The patient shows signs of extreme depression that alternates with being happy or manic behaviour. Anxiety disorders are periods of stress, uncontrolled panic from an unknown cause to worry with depression.


Bipolar disorder or manic depression is classified under neuropsychiatric disorder that causes extreme mood swings from an increased hilarious condition to extreme depression. A normal human being reacts in a neutral manner to different situations. When there are times of happiness, a normal person reacts positively or feels euphoric and during sad traumatic events expresses by lamenting for a few moments or days. A patient with bipolar disorder suffers from mood swings of being extremely happy and energetic, unusually irritable to the feeling of being very depressed. During these frequent episodes, these mood shifts affect sleep, activity, judgement, rational thinking skills and behaviour of patient who suffers from bipolar disorder.

What causes bipolar disorder?

The cause of the bipolar disorder is not known but a few biological and certain genetic factors cause this disease. Physical changes are seen in the brain that causes a functional disturbance. Genes also contribute in several patients with siblings or parents or a close relative who suffer from bipolar disorder. Several research is conducted to prove this theory. These are common reasons for patients to get affected by this clinical condition.

What are the risks that cause bipolar disorder?

Life is a medley of golden cheerful moments in addition to sad traumatic incidents. Accidents, environmental catastrophic disasters that cause the sudden untimely death of near and dear ones as seen during coronavirus pandemic or shocking events with prolonged periods of high stress cause bipolar disorder. People who experience extreme distress and disturbance in life, who do not have enough social, financial support, are left alone, suffer from a nervous breakdown that may cause physical damage to the brain’s normal functions. Alcohol abuse, its addiction and chronic intake of narcotic drugs also cause bipolar disorder. A patient who has close relatives with a genetic history have a high risk to get bipolar disorder.

What are the symptoms of bipolar disorder?

Mood swings from being happy and suddenly feeling low, angry, depressed causing a distinct pattern of behaviour in bipolar disorder is categorized in different phases.

Bipolar 1 disorder – A patient has had one manic episode followed by a prolonged period of depression.

Bipolar II disorder – A patient has a major attack of depression with one hypomanic behaviour psychological condition.

Cyclothymic disorder – A patient has at least two years of hypomania with long periods of depression. 

Other types include symptoms of bipolar disorder induced by drugs, alcohol, medical conditions like multiple sclerosis, stroke, dementia, epilepsy and injury to the brain.

Bipolar disorder has two extreme states of mind. One is mania or hypomania during which the patient struggles to maintain relationships, focus at work, frequently encounter problems at school and social interaction during different activities. A typical behaviour can be observed during this phase of bipolar disorder. Patients become very upset without any cause, behave in a weird manner with hyperactivity. Increased energy levels cause a feeling of euphoria or work continuously for more hours that decrease the need to sound sleep. The patient gets easily distracted, agitated, uncontrolled thoughts with loquacity and is forced to make irrational, incorrect decisions.

During a major depressive episode, the patient experiences feelings of despair, thinks himself unworthy, hopeless and cries frequently. The patient loses interest in daily activities. There is either weight loss or the patient may gain excess weight. Patients may succumb to sleeping for long hours or develop insomnia. He may experience extreme restlessness or sluggish behaviour. Lack of concentration, indecisive behaviour and actions, diminished ability, loss of energy, will or enthusiasm at work with suicidal thoughts are felt by patients of bipolar disorder.

Adolescence is an important milestone in the lives of young boys and girls as they enter puberty. Every girl and boy encounter hormonal changes within the body. As growth and development of children take place that transforms them into young adults, different physiological, psychological, emotional and behavioural changes are observed. A child grows into a mature adult with different skills that are normally expected to develop by twenty years of age. Normal genes, physiological functions of the endocrine system, the release of hormones play vital roles in psychological, emotional, intellectual quotient during teenage years. Any deviation in a genetic pattern or an abnormal traumatic experience, an accident can affect normal functions of the brain. Bipolar disorder is common in twenty years of age young adults.  It develops at an early age in teenagers, requires medical attention as symptoms are lethal to force him or her to antisocial activities. Bipolar disorder does not get better or subside on its own. Prompt consultation with psychiatrists and psychological counsellors help to treat the patient. When a patient suffers from periodical attacks of euphoria alternating with extreme depression, a doctor should be called for and medical treatment should be initiated.  Timely medical intervention can save the life of the person.

If this condition is not treated then behavioural issues worsen to a state of suicidal thoughts. A patient prefers to stay alone, the damaged relationship suffers from problems related to drug abuse, becomes a victim of antisocial crimes and struggle with the financial crisis. Bipolar disorder is associated with anxiety, attention deficit syndrome, heart disease, thyroid – hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, headache and obesity.

What is the treatment for bipolar disorder?

A patient who visits a neurologist or a psychiatrist is observed for clinical signs and symptoms. A medical history, symptoms are recorded by the doctor from friends and family members. A daily assessment of mood swings is noted by the physician. Criteria to confirm a bipolar disorder is through analysis of symptoms on Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders published by American school of psychiatric medicine.   Treatment is lifelong in the form of medicines and psychotherapy.

Medication such as mood stabilizers—lithium, carbamazepine, lamotrigine; antidepressants like—fluoxetine, antipsychotic – risperidone, lurasidone, asenapine or antianxiety medicines as prescribed by the treating physician.

Apart from medicines, psychotherapy by a health care professional or an expert physician with support from friends and family help to treat patients with bipolar disorder. These therapies are as follows—

INTERPERSONAL AND SOCIAL RHYTHM THERAPY – This technique aims to stabilize, focus a patient to concentrate on daily routine activities. Living a healthy lifestyle, eating a balanced diet at a fixed time daily, getting a sound sleep, all help to manage mood swings. The rhythm to follow every task gives a conference to patients to live a better life.

COGNITIVE BEHAVIOURAL THERAPY—This technique eliminates persons negative, unhealthy behaviour and thoughts and replaces them with positive solutions. It focuses to adapt, developing skills to overcome stressful situations thereby helping patients to lead a normal peaceful life.

PSYCHOEDUCATION – It is the knowledge imparted to the patient, friends and family members about the clinical condition. Once society around the patient is aware of the patient's condition, people can help and support, identify the issues that trigger his diseased state and can plan events to prevent a relapse of further episodes.

FAMILY FOCUSED THERAPY – Support from friends and family to create a lively healthy positive environment, avoid circumstances that may create a negative atmosphere that may cause mood swings so a patient can lead a balanced stable life.

ELECTROCONCLUSIVE THERAPY – In this method electrical currents are passed through the brain that causes a brief attack of seizure. It causes changes in brain chemistry that may reverse symptoms of mental disorders. It is a treatment for bipolar disorder when other medications fail to treat patients. 

While the patient is on treatment by different supportive techniques and medication, family members should ensure that he takes medicine according to the prescription. Every member of the family should support him. The patient should join social groups that support him, encourage him and mould him to live a constructive, healthy happy life. He should divert his energies to positive, aptitude building activities, hobbies and recreational work that motivate, divert his mind to lead a healthy life.  Yoga, meditation and several relaxation techniques are a few other supportive measures.

How can neuropsychiatric disorders prevent?

Children and young adults are the future of a developing country.  They grow to be future doctors, scientists, teachers and give their expertise in different vocations. A professional, qualified, efficient, career-oriented expert in every field contributes to the growth and progress of the nation. Hence, when the child grows into a teenager, he should be educated in healthy surroundings that do not affect his mental abilities or strength. He should be nurtured, valued and moulded into an individual who brings positive changes to his family and country. The thoughts, behaviour and actions of every child and adult should function towards financial development, support to his family which in turn contributes to national progress.

A school that is considered the second home of the child, build strong morals, make him confident to face different challenges and odds in life. Children should be encouraged to participate in different school competitions, later in college activities that prepare them for exams. The aim of these institutions should be to annihilate negative expressions, thoughts and behaviour of a child and young adult so the maximum potential to work in an energized manner is liberated from every person. Parents should cultivate healthy feelings and thoughts right from childhood. Outmost care should be enforced that he or she experiences a healthy positive environment each day that cultivates strong intellectual skills. A teenager can then be protected from disorders that harm his mental strengths.

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