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What Causes A Bipolar Disorder?


: Admin : 2022-03-17

Bipolar disorder is a chronic episodic illness of the brain characterized by recurrent manic or depressive episodes. Patients with bipolar disorder frequently present to primary care, but the variety of possible symptoms, combined with physicians' low index of suspicion, can lead to misdiagnosis in many patients. Co-occurring psychiatric and medical conditions frequently complicate the differential diagnosis. A thorough diagnostic evaluation at the clinical interview, combined with supportive case-finding tools, is required to arrive at an accurate diagnosis.

We're talking about bipolar disorder and its causes, so it may be helpful to deal with it. Always seek the advice and treatment of a qualified psychiatrist, and Marham.pk is the best place to find experts in this field.


Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a brain disorder characterized by mood, energy, and function fluctuations. People with bipolar disorder have highly intense emotional states that last for days to weeks, referred to as mood episodes. Manic/hypomanic mood swings (excessively happy or irritable mood) or depressive mood swings (sad mood). People who have bipolar disorder frequently experience periods of neutrality. If treated, people with bipolar disorder can live whole and productive lives.


Types of Bipolar Disorder

Before going deep into the discussion of a topic, it is always helpful to know the type of the disorder. In this case, the condition is related to mental health, and therefore, it is a sensitive 

  • Bipolar I
  • Bipolar II
  • Cyclothymic disorder
  • Unspecified bipolar disorder

The causes and the symptom in all the cases are different from one another, and therefore, you should take great care of the root cause of this disease.


Causes of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder's exact cause is unknown. Experts believe that some factors make a person more likely to develop it.

These are thought to be a complicated combination of physical, environmental, and social factors.

Chemical Imbalance

Bipolar disorder is widely thought to be caused by chemical imbalances in the brain.

Neurotransmitters are chemicals that control the brain's functions and include noradrenaline, serotonin, and dopamine.

There is some evidence that if the levels of one or more neurotransmitters are out of balance, a person may develop some symptoms of bipolar disorder.

For example, there is evidence that episodes of mania can occur when noradrenaline levels are too high, and bouts of depression can happen when noradrenaline levels are too low.


It is also believed that bipolar disorder is linked to genetics, as it appears to run in families.

Family members of people who have bipolar disorder are more likely to develop it themselves.

However, bipolar disorder is not caused by a single gene, and instead, it is thought that some genetic and environmental factors act as triggers. Bipolar disorder is more common in people who have a family member who has the condition, and a variety of genetic factors could be at work.

Read more What Causes A Bipolar Disorder? - Part 2


bipolar bipolar disorder mental health therapy psychiatrist

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