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Why Do Most People With Depression Attempt To Commit Suicide? - Part 1


: Admin : 2022-09-28


Not everyone lives a life they have always thought about due to the happening of so many unexpected things and experiences that fate has decided for them. Some tend to stay and react, but many need the means to escape these troubled times. Convenience is something that people hardly appreciate these days due to intense competition and enormous pressure at work. People who are not financially stronger and will do anything to feed their loved ones are among the hardest hit parts of society—for them, working in any field to earn a sustainable income. And because of such an approach to getting things done, they add more difficulties to their lives by causing them health problems. Overthinking and memorizing your challenges over and over again could lead to depression. People suffering from depression may do many unexpected things to get that particular thing out of their minds. Ending your life was never the right option for that. More than thousands of people in our country commit suicide against situations that could have been resolved if the person had shared it with their fellow men or family members. It is still a mystery why people go to end their life in depression.


Is ending your life an option?

The answer to this is simple. They are afraid of the unknown. They fear their lives will be ruined if they don't try. This is a common problem in many countries and societies. However, some people still struggle because they don't know how to deal with depression. These people may think they can handle the situation independently, but they are wrong. The best way to treat depression is with treatment. It is essential to be honest, and open about your problems. If you think you can't get over your depression, seek professional help.


How to tackle depression?

Now the big question here is who do you turn to for help with depression and anxiety? The answer to this is simple again. The best way to find out if you are suffering from depression or anxiety is to seek professional help. Many online mental health clinics offer free counseling to people suffering from depression and anxiety. The clinic has qualified therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and more. I have a team. They can give you the proper treatment at your own pace and easily. And because they have experience and know how to treat mental health issues, you can get the best support. Depression and anxiety are not just symptoms of mental illness but also a consequence of an underlying condition.


It is challenging to deal with depression, but it is not difficult to find the cause. However, depression and anxiety are caused by a combination of factors.


Let's discuss things you could do at your end to combat depression and anxiety :


Stabilize your thoughts

Factors that cause depression start with our thoughts. The more you think, the more depressed you become. That's why it's essential to have a positive mindset and not be afraid of change. It's also important to remember that thoughts make you feel good. It is important to remember that negative emotions can be very destructive. Don't let them get to you if you're feeling low or stressed. Don't let them control you. Instead, focus on how good you feel when they come to you.




depression anxiety stress mental health

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