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How Meddco Has Changed Current Indian Healthcare Industry


: Admin : 2019-07-15

Health systems and policies play a critical role in healthcare is delivered utilized and affects outcomes. The Indian healthcare industry is an ever-growing sector being as big as 132 billion dollar industry by 2023. It is transforming and with it providing an opportunity to a large number of healthcare providers and people related to the industry as well.  It is also said that the Indian healthcare industry ranks second with respect to revenue generation and providing employment.

Although health systems can provide the best of the treatments, the healthcare system in India is still a concern for the government because not all the citizens can access the required healthcare. The goal for the current government is to provide the best healthcare services even in rural areas.

One of the reasons why healthcare is not reaching those areas is because of the increasing treatment costs. However, the central and state governments are devising techniques to provide healthcare evenly to the population in the rural areas at affordable prices. 

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Following the trend of social media applications which basically connects a person from one corner of the world to the other, basic healthcare can now be provided by building such applications and providing a platform where healthcare providers and patients can connect to each other at the click of their finger, Meddco being one such platform developed for the Indian population. 

Meddco, also called Meddco.com is a healthcare website that serves as a place where the healthcare providers can provide their services at affordable prices so that it is accessible to everyone. It is also the first digital pricing platform, wherein all the prices are displayed thereby being transparent with the patients and also patients can also decide which service suits them in the best possible way without compromising on their health. 

Meddco also provides services like health camps, online- doctor appointments and diagnostic procedures for diseases. It allows the patient to access healthcare from any location in just five seconds. Meddco aims to reach effectively to many people and thus provide healthcare to all those possible. At present, there are more than 150000 doctors and 180000 health-related packages available 24*7 on the website. 

Although innumerable benefits are provided to people to access appropriate treatments, many people still cannot take full advantage of this because they tend to ignore the sign and symptoms of the disease/infection and also due to financial constraints.

Meddco has connected 27 specialty treatment facilities and packages on the website so that people can have a brief look about the specialty, compare the prices of the packages with the hospitals thereby trying to provide the best healthcare. By bringing affordable healthcare at affordable and comparable prices, Meddco is trying to change the healthcare scenario in India.


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